Student Support
We tailor our support for learners from diverse backgrounds and those with special needs. We also treat you as an adult learner which means helping you to build your own strengths and to develop your own improvement strategies. The covid-19 pandemic continues to have significant impact on student life. The sudden pivot to online learning have largely affected your learning habits and put more challenges on you in many aspects, such as time managment, communication with your lecturers and peer students and stress coping. EIA is committed to adjusting all our support services to accommodate student needs with the situation chanages.

How We Can Help
At EIA, there are many supports available to you and you are always encouraged to use them.
Orientation and Transition Support
Academic and Learning Support
- Time management
- Correct citation techniques
- Note-taking skills
- Avoiding plagiarism
- Academic reading strategies
- Research skills
- Academic writing skills
- completing and preparing for individual assessments
- Exam techniques